happy solstice/nadolig llawen/Wishing you all the best for 2021!
“Within every dystopia there’s a little utopia” - Margaret Atwood
Here’s to us - humans and non-humans - finding ways to flourish together in 2021, building from the bottom up, working locally within a global context, centering the voices, ideas and needs of those who have been marginalised, ignored, oppressed and exploited by this hollowed out neoliberal system and culture (and all its fallouts) that is holding the world to ransom.
A glossary for the turning
I thought I’d offer you this ‘poem’ I wrote in the hope that 2020 would be part of a ‘great turning’, inspired by a new initiative, Pegwn, hosted by Peak, and by a wonderful online ‘Poetry & Eclogue: Ritual Ecopoetics’ course by Rhys Trimble hosted by the Poetry School. I think we need new and diverse languages, words and cultures to describe where we are, where we are going. (if you click on the images they should come up bigger)….
Utopias Bach - revolution in miniature
Utopias Bach, Penrhyndeudraeth
“I think the work of transformation is thinking of what are the smallest things we can do - not the biggest technological fixes, but the smallest gestures that we can begin to make, that would fundamentally reconfigure our relationship with the future”
- Dr Natasha Myers
This project is a pleasure, and its taken on a life of its own! You can see the (ohhhh so cute) results so far, and ways to get involved in 2021. See here
Sgwrs Dyffryn Peris Conversation
This project started in January 2020, and there are now lots of things to see including results of conversations, a map of the oldest trees in the valley and more! I’m looking forward to building on the results of this ongoing conversation in 2021.
Some films
I’ve made quite a few little films this year, all of which really are exploring new ways of listening, being, becoming…. see here.
And meanwhile, here is a Fluxus-inspired calendar….