utopias bach - penrhyndeudraeth a’r cylch
Utopias Bach Penrhyn 2020-21
arddangosfa yn siop mela 22.2.2021 —->
Diolch i’r curaduriaid, Siân Elen, Lara Usherwood, Fiorella Wyn

Creu gan//created by Llinos Griffin efo’r artistiaid Siân Elen & Fiorella Wyn.
Aelodau’r grwp: Seran Dolma, Ellis, Sian Llywelyn, Tegwen Parry, Ioan Llwelyn, Catrin Ellis Jones, Gruff Ellis Jolley, Gwenno Jones, Lara Usherwood, Sian Cwper, Sara Roberts, Nia Jeffreys, Sioned Wyn Williams, Sian Northey, Naomi Scott, Lindsey Colbourne, Theo Shields, Andy Rowell, Anna Brindley, Debbie Braden, Nikki Jain Jones, Patricia Moffet, Wendy Jakeman, Tamsin Smith, Meryl Roberts.
Utopias Bach yn yr Wylan
Newyddion cyffrous! Exciting news!
Mi fydd y prosiect Utopias Bach yn dod i Benrhyndeudraeth ac mae lle i BAWB rownd y bwrdd creu-byd-newydd!
Sesiynau arlein y gaea' 'ma efo'r artistiaid Lindsey Colbourne, Sian Elen a Fiorella Wyn. AM DDIM.
Am fwy o wybodaeth am y prosiect: https://lindseycolbourne.com/utopias-bach
Os gwelwch yn dda wnewch chi gofrestru trwy ebostio: gwefus.cymru@gmail.com
Utopias Bach will be coming to Penrhyndeudraeth and there's room for ALL around the table to create a new world! Online sessions this winter with the artists Lindsey Colbourne, Sian Elen and Fiorella Wyn. FREE.
For more info about the project: https://lindseycolbourne.com/utopias-bach. Please register by emailing: gwefus.cymru@gmail.com
Mae Utopias Bach yn / are:
arbrawf sy’n archwilio
/experiments that exploresyniadau i’r dyfodol
/ideas for the futurewedi’u creu/meddwl/cyflwyno/fframio ar raddfa fach (yn llythrennol, neu fel microcosm)
/constructed/presented/framed in a small scale (physically, or as a microcosm)gall, mewn ffordd, ein helpu i ddychmygu'r byd fel lle gwell i bobol a mwy-na-phobol o bob math, yn arbennig y rhai sydd wedi’u heffeithio’n ddrwg gan stad bresennol y byd
/ that in some way might help us imagine the world a better place for humans and more-than-humans of all kinds, especially those who are most badly affected by the current state of the world.
(Darllen mwy amdan y prosiect//read more about the project, Utopias, Miniatures ac ati yma)
Sesiwn 1//Session 1
Sesiwn 1: Session 1 12.11.20
Yn ystod sesiwn 1// During session 1:
- mi oedd hi'n wych clywed am eich rhesymau i ddod yn rhan o Utopias Bach ac am rai o'r gwrthrychau bach o obaith - roedd popeth o domatos i nodwyddau, o fadarch i angylion bach //it was great to hear about some of the little objects of hope - everything from tomatos to needles, to mushrooms and angels.
- Cawsom gyfle hefyd i ddechrau meddwl am ein placard bach o obaith (dewch a'ch un chi efo chi i'r sesiwn nos Iau 19.11.20!) a gwych oedd clywed syniad Niki am dasg i gyfleu'n emosiynau, dylien ni'n sicr drio ychwanegu hyn i'r prosiect hefyd//We also had an opportunity to start thinking about out little placard of hope (bring yours on Thursday 19.11.20!) and Niki's idea of a task to convey our emotions is so powerful too and one we should try and achieve during the project.
- Roedd Tegwen yn son hefyd bod ganddi rwbel yn yr ardd fyddai o fudd i'r prosiect sy'n wych - rhannu syniadau, rhannu rwbel, cydweithio ac ysbrydoli ein gilydd ydi'r bwriad yma//Tegwen mentioned too that she has some debris in the garden that we could use for the project - sharing ideas, sharing debris, working together and inspiring each other are the reasons behind these sessions!
Sesiwn 2: Placard bach o obaith//little placard of hope
Sesiwn 2: Session 2 19.11.20 placard bach o obaith//little placard of hope
Yn ystod sesiwn 2//during session 2
mi wnaethon ni rannu’n placard bach o obaith//we shared our little placard of hope
mi wnaethon ni ddechrau edrych ar y syniad o greu gardd chwyldroadol ar blât//we started to look at the idea of creating a revolutionary garden on a plate
penderfynnon ni greu grwp whatsapp// we decided to create a whatsapp group

Sesiwn 3: Session 3: 26.11.20 - Gardd ar blat//garden on a plate

Y Blaned Cen gan Siân Cwper
Seswin 4: 3.12.20. gyfleu'n emosiynau//conveying emotions
Building on her work as a psychotherapist, and the problems caused by people feeling their emotions are ‘bad’ or unable to be expressed, Niki suggested we try in some way to find a way to convey some of the difficult things we are feeling…. This links to a comment by Seran on the whatsapp group (23.11.20):
“Dwi ‘di mynd ar ôl y syniad bod hi’n anodd creu iwtopia cymdeithasol heb yn gyntaf greu iwtopia mewnol yn dy feddwl. Mae hyn yn deillio o beth ddywedodd Niki ar ddiwedd y cyfarfod gyntaf ynglyn ac ymateb i emosiynau anodd”

Utopias sy wedi cael eu darganfod/Found Utopias

Sesiwn 5: 10.12.20. Fortune cookies
Mi wnaethon ni greu fortune cookies papur efo neges o ddymuniad ar gyfer 2021! Wedyn mi gaethon ni amser i drafod tipyn bach o syniadau ar gyfer flwyddyn nesa' gyda syniadau gan Lindsey ynglyn a gwneud taith mewn time machine i ddychmygu byd gwell yn y dyfodol! Mi wnawn ni gyfarfod i drafod ymhellach ym mis Ionawr gobeithio.
We made paper fortune cookies with some wishes for 2021! Some of them better than others - ahem (mine was crap!) Then we had time to discuss ideas for next year with Lindsey mentioning the possibility of a time machine journey to imagine a better world for the future! We can discuss this again in January hopefully, if we meet up then.
Be’ nesa? What’s next?
Mi fydd hi'n gret gweld popeth yn yr arddangosfa yn Siop Mela ym mis Ionawr - dyddiad i gadarnhau a daliwch ati i greu tan hynny os liciwch chi - placardiau bach o obaith, gerddi iwtopaidd, cerfluniau'n greu emosiwn, mwy o fortune cookies, llyfrau sgets neu beth bynnag liciwch chi! Er does dim pwysau ar neb wrth gwrs!
It will be great to see everything in the exhibition at Siop Mela in January - date to be confirmed and keep at it with your creating until then if you like - little placards of hope, utopian gardens, little sculptures of emotion, more fortune cookies, sketchbooks or whatever else! And as always, no pressure either!
Mi fasai hi'n wych os allwch chi ateb y 3 cwestiwn isod ar gyfer fy ngwaith papur i efo'r grant! Dim rhaid wrth gwrs! It would be great if you could answer the 3 questions below for my paper work re: grant! You don't have to of course! Llinos (gwefus.cymru@gmail.com)
- Be' wnaethoch chi fwynhau am Utopias Bach? / what did you enjoy about Utopias Bach?
- sut, yn eich barn chi, wnaeth y gweithdai ymateb yn llwyddiannus i argyfwng Covid 2020?/ how, in your opinion, did the workshops respond successfully to the Covid crisis of 2020?
- unrhyw adborth arall / any other feedback
Y Grwp Utopias Bach, Penrhyn