All of my projects use photography. This section is about photographs outside of projects that try to capture intimate experiences of a particular place. I am particularly interested in how taking a photograph affects - and helps deal with - contrasting timescales and emotions relating to connection or loss.
Rwy’n defnyddio ffotograffau er mwyn canolbwyntio’n fanwl ar fanylion lleoliad, ar fomentau a phethau sy’n crynhoi fy mhrofiad o gynefin. Maent yn adrodd cymaint am fy nghysylltiad i â’r lle a sut rwy’n teimlo yno ag y maent am y lle ei hun. Drwy agosatrwydd y ffotograffau caiff y lleoliadau eu cynrychioli mewn modd sy’n gwrthgyferbynnu’n llwyr â’r tirluniau glanwaith, eang hynny o Eryri sydd wedi’u hanelu at dwristiaid.
I've started storing photos on photobucket, see here
All of my projects use photography. This section is about photographs outside of projects that try to capture intimate experiences of a particular place. I am particularly interested in how taking a photograph affects - and helps deal with - contrasting timescales and emotions relating to connection or loss.
Rwy’n defnyddio ffotograffau er mwyn canolbwyntio’n fanwl ar fanylion lleoliad, ar fomentau a phethau sy’n crynhoi fy mhrofiad o gynefin. Maent yn adrodd cymaint am fy nghysylltiad i â’r lle a sut rwy’n teimlo yno ag y maent am y lle ei hun. Drwy agosatrwydd y ffotograffau caiff y lleoliadau eu cynrychioli mewn modd sy’n gwrthgyferbynnu’n llwyr â’r tirluniau glanwaith, eang hynny o Eryri sydd wedi’u hanelu at dwristiaid.
I've started storing photos on photobucket, see here
Cofiwch y Cyfnod Clo
July 2021. See more
Gleiniau Iâ Ice Beads 2023
Haul ar Fryn, July 2020
There’s a welsh idiom, Daw eto haul ar fryn, The sun will come again to the hill… these first set of images are taken from my bedroom window, or from our garden during lockdow
Simdde Sion yn Storm Ciara
Series of photographs, one of which was shown on Newyddion 9 (s4c), showing the characteristic upward flow of the waterfalls. Known locally at Simdde Sion (Sion’s Chimney)
Simdde Sion yn Storm Ciara
Tirlun Iapan
View from my bedroom window, struck down with ‘flu while rest of my family and much of Wales were in or watching the world cup in Japan. 2019
Tirluniau Iapan
Llechi aflonyddwch (Glyn Rhonwy) 2018
Ode to Mrs Smith and Griffith Jones 2018
Tirlun landscape
Wild West
My pet bunny
Landscape Object, Nantperis
"Cribgoch from Belan, Nantperis. Ode to Balzac by Rodin"
Shown in Storiel Open
Landscape Object, Cwm Pennant
"Cwm Pennant, when the mist lifted". Ode to Eifion Wyn.
Shown at Storiel Open.
I can't grow potatoes, I can't have children, but somehow I still manage to enjoy myself
17th October, 2015
Shown in at CAM, Naples
New barn
Pebble, Assynt
Geology through the ages: from some of the most ancient rocks in the British Isles to the Anthropocene
Cei Ballast Island, Porthmadog
This island was made from the Ballast that ships dumped before collecting slate. The rocks are from all around the world, and exotic species are growing from seeds trapped in crevices
Cei Ballast: Succession
A nail in the hand
Tea ceremony
Working with refugees and assylum seakers at National Theatre Wales' Big Democracy project. 2015
For the birds
A piece of work in transit. 2015
Seagull Mural (i)
Giclee Print, 2015
Seagull Mural (iii)
Self portrait (after Katrin Ladak)
Four of this series (Hunan-bortread efo dwylo (cyfrannwraig ymdrin â’r wladychol) - Self-portrait with hands (an integrationist dealing with the colonial)) were shown at Oriel Plas Brondanw, as part of an installation for an international show, ConneXions, Celf o Gês, Luggage Art, December 2017
Back to the Den: Myself in Two Parts (2014 - 1975)
Diptych (part i), Giclee Print, 2014
Standing Stones of Stenness, Orkney
Possibly the oldest in Britain .... 2015
Ring of Brodgar, Orkney
Cynt Cwymp Dâr Na Miaren (Sooner Will An Oak Tree Fall Than A Briar)
Giclee Print, 2014
Exhibited at the RCA Digital Open, 2014 (28 June - 19 July 2014)
Ysbryd Yr Nant Ddu (Spirit of The Black Stream)
Giclee print, 2014
Exhibited at the RCA Digital Open, 2014 (28 June - 19 July 2014)
I used to be scared
Revisiting the house where I grew up. I used to have to run at night, here. This was the scariest place.
For the birds - chaffinch (1)
Photographic print, 2014
Sandpiper solo, cow family
Photographic print, taken through binoculars, 2014
LLyn Dinas
Merch yr Amazon (Amazon Woman)
C-type print, 2014
Full moon from the garden
September, 2015
Coed Gwydr Garden the Light of the Eclipse
Cwm Glas yn y bore
Photo taken while doing my Breeding Bird Survey for British Trust for Ornithology (BTO), June 2015
Delighted to announce: It was chosen as one of 5 winners in the BTO photography prize (November 2015). See bit.ly/1QdBKGa
Hen Goed, Ynyslas
Giclee print, 2014
Ynysoedd Fach, Ynyslas
C-type print, 2014
Ynyslas ar ol y storm (i)
Giclee print, 2014