Llinellau Llif Plas Bodfa Flow Forms
Llinellau Llif
Llinellau Llif is the most recent incarnation of Llif-Flow, a collaboration with Lisa Hudson.
Inspired by Gaston Bachelard’s Poetics of Space, including multi-layered experiences and uses of Plas Bodfa, Llinellau Llif (Flow Forms) uses the rolling of marbles, ink and performance to map the temporality, universality and complexity of flow as a fundamental force in the ‘poetics of space’ within and around the house.
Photo by Julie Upmeyer
The original concept was to create a live mapping performance, with Lisa and I creating ‘scores’ which are played live by musicians Sioned Eleri Roberts and Katherine Betteridge, and poet Rhys Trimble. The results would be available as a series of multiples for sale, displayed in an archive-format on a table in the old wash-room, with reference works on the wall.
Given Corvid-19, we are now rethinking. We are experimenting with how to take the performative element - the flow of words and sounds (Rhys Trimble, Katherine Betteridge, Sioned Eleri Roberts) in response to the scores created by our marble-mapping - onto an online platform rather than as the orignally planned live performance.
This page records work as it progresses, different scores and experiments, together with live poetry/sound recorded individually by Sioned, Katherine and Rhys, which will be individually back to me to be made into videos etc to share online…
Llinellau Llif multiples
Llinellau llif - close spaces
This series of 10 Llinellau Llif-Close Spaces, are flow maps of the of the striking number of different corner angles at Plas Bodfa, a depiction of the collecting and deflecting power of the corners. For sale (£25), but also potential scores… If you’d like to buy one, see here

close ups
We were going to print (some of these) out postcard size, and will be displayed in our ‘area’ in the house. But maybe they are possible scores too?

Llinellau llif - in situ
A record of our first experiments (pre-virus)

Here’s a video of the stairs drawing. It seems to make 7 individual scores, but also the movement/sound is interesting?
tray Mapping
Using trays, ink, marbles and smart phones, our next idea was to map the flow around Plas Bodfa, showing snippets of the house as we move around. Some made walking, some crawling, some walking backwards, some at skirting board height (“following the line of the mouldings”). We’ve turned these into a video for Rhys, Katherine and Sioned to respond to.
In our first experiment, we tried live in Plas Bodfa’s 48 people ZOOM, where Rhys responded to “Upstairs on her knees” section of the map. Next up, Sioned improvised to the full length video, bringing it alive … and then Katherine and Rhys jammed to the virtual Sioned. The results of this multi-place collaboration is here…
Tray drawing results
Here are possible scores I’ve made from scans of my tray drawings at Plas Bodfa …

Here are Lisa’s tray maps (scores)

At the beginning of September, Lisa and I returned to Plas Bodfa to install the results of our mapping. Click on thumbnail for the full image